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Workshops, Meditation Sessions & Other Events

The barrier/"veil" that separates this part of the Earth plane of existence and the Spirit Realm will thin significantly for two specific periods every year, the first of which for this year, will occur from 4 April 2021 to 20 April 2021. When this barrier is thinned significantly, some souls are able to travel from the Spirit Realm to this Earth plane of existence. Energies from the Spirt Realm will also flow into this Earth plane of existence, thereby lowering the overall vibration of the environment here.


The effects of this period could be experienced at least a week or two in advance, or even more - for those who are sensitive to energies. Some of these experiences could include lethargy, heaviness, breathlessness, heart palpitations, panic attacks, frequent surfacing of negative thoughts and emotions, emotional outbursts, and inexplicable aches and pains. For those individuals who are ultra-sensitive to energies or clairvoyant, they may even experience encounters with members of the Spirit Realm.


The best advice that one can adopt during this period is to stay calm and stay detached. Forgive yourself and others. You have gone through previous periods of such occurrences.  It is an annual occurrence. It will pass.


These occurrences are also opportunities for us to purify and transform ourselves, and grow. Make peace with the past, and heal. Reflect and act on the lessons underlying the episodes which are experienced during the period, and grow into a better person.


The Divinities and Guides are always ready to help us, so long as we do not give up on ourselves and are prepared to ask them for help. The sessions which are listed below are part of the overall effort of the Divinities and our Guides in supporting us during this period. 





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Workshop - "Lord Jesus"

This workshop aims to connect participants with Lord Jesus who is associated with the energies of unconditional love, empathy and wisdom.


It is no coincidence that the workshop is held after Good Friday and before Easter Sunday, 4 April 2021 (which is also the start of the period whereby the barrier that separates this part of the Earth plane from the Spirit Realm will be significantly lowered). For this particular session, Lord Jesus says that a key focus will be on "death, resurrection, and rebirth".


Please attend as per your inner guidance.



Time: 3 April 2021 (Saturday) - 3pm to 5pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 1 day before the workshop.

Energy exchange: $260



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Group Meditation - Hosted by Archangel Michael

This group meditation session will be hosted by Archangel Michael who is associated with the energies of strength and courage, as well as being one of the defenders of the Highest Light and Highest Truth. He also helps in space clearing, dissolving of attachments, and removal of negative energies.


Please attend if you need Archangel Michael's help and support during this period whereby energies of the past could surface more intensely within oneself to be released and cleared.



Time: 6 April 2021 (Tuesday) - 3pm to 4.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 2 days before the meditation session.

Energy exchange: $80




Workshop - "Lord Ganesha"

This workshop aims to connect participants with the Hindu Divinity, Lord Ganesha who is known as the Protector of sacred spaces. He is also associated with the energies of breakthroughs.


For this particular session and in support of us during the period of 4 -  20 April 2021, he will be taking on the role of the protector of sacred spaces by helping us to protect and purify within and around us


Please attend as per your inner guidance. 



Time: 10 April 2021 (Saturday) - 3pm to 5.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the workshop.

Energy exchange: $260




Group Meditation - Hosted by Archangel Raphael

This group meditation session will be hosted by Archangel Raphael who is known as the "Angel of Resurrection" and is also frequently associated with healing energies. 


Please attend, if you feel the need to receive healing and a re-charge during this energetically turbulent period. 



Time: 13 April 2021 (Tuesday) - 3pm to 4.30pm ​

Registration: Please contact me to register at least 2 days before the meditation session.

Energy exchange: $80



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Workshop - "Archangel Azrael"

This workshop aims to connect participants with Archangel Azrael who is also known as the "Angel of Death". Despite his intimidating title, he is actually one of the most beautiful and loving Divinities that one can connect with. His portfolio includes bringing inner peace to those individuals who will be departing to the Spirit Realm, as well as escorting souls from this Earth plane of existence to the Spirit Realm. He is thus also linked with energies of endings and beginning, and transitions.


It is most apt that Archangel Azrael is here to support us during this period. Please attend as per your inner guidance.



Time: 17 April 2021 (Saturday) - 3pm to 5.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the workshop.

Energy exchange: $270



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Group Meditation - Hosted by Archangel Gabriel

This group meditation session will be hosted by the Archangel Gabriel who is closely associated with the energies of clarity, illumination, Highest Truth, communication, prophesy, balance, and healing of emotional trauma.


Please attend, if you are in need of healing and/or want to return to a state of balance and inner peace with the ending of this energetically intense 4 - 20 April period. 



Time: 20 April 2021 (Tuesday) - 3pm to 4.30pm ​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 2 days before the meditation session.

Energy exchange: $80




Workshop - "Goddess Sekhmet & Bast"

This workshop aims to connect participants with the Egyptian goddesses, Bast and Sekhmet. Goddess Bast is linked with the energies of dance, balance, going with the flow, psychic awareness, beginnings, creation, and celebration. Goddess Sekhmet is linked with the energies of destruction, breakthroughs of obstacles and barriers, and healing. Together, the two goddesses represent, among many symbolisms, cycles of life, endings and beginnings, destruction and creation.


For this particular session, Goddess Bast and Sekhmet will be helping us with the next phase of our growth and transformation. Please attend as per your inner guidance.



Time: 24 April 2021 (Saturday) - 3pm to 5.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the workshop.

Energy exchange: $280



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Group Meditation - Hosted by Archangel Uriel

This group meditation session will be hosted by the Archangel Uriel who oversees planet Earth and is thereby linked to energies of grounding and centredness.


Archangel Uriel also holds God's Fire which is associated with energies of peace and clarity.



Time: 27 April 2021 (Tuesday) - 3pm to 4.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 2 days before the meditation session.

Energy exchange: $80



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