
Workshop - "Goddess Amaterasu"
This workshop aims to connect participants with Shinto Sun Goddess Amaterasu who is associated with the energies of illumination, growth, nurture, warmth, and vitality of life.
For this particular session, Goddess Amatersu will be helping us, with the energies of the morning sun, to illuminate our paths ahead and gently burn away feelings/energies of stagnation, sadness, helplessness and being lost. Please attend as per your inner guidance.
[This session was postponed from 20 February 2022]
Time: 27 February 2022 (Sunday) - 3.30pm to 6.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the session.
Energy exchange: $290

Workshop - "Goddess Brigid"
This workshop aims to connect participants with the Celtic Goddess Brigid whose name is also spelt as "Brigit", "Brigitte" or "Brig". She is associated with wisdom, poetry, healing, blacksmithing, peace, and domesticated animals. She is also linked to the arrival of spring through to summer.
Several other Celtic Goddesses will also be joining Goddess Brigid for this particular session to help us navigate the energies of change and transition of 2022 as well as the corresponding energies of separation, dread, unease, unsettledness and sadness/depression - which are part of the energetic run-up to the "Great Non-Divide" in 2023.
The Celtic Divinities and energies will be coming in more strongly in the coming months as part of their support for us in the run-up to the "Great Non-Divide". They are well placed in guiding us during this critical period, as they and the ancient Celtic practice have gone through their own upheavals and versions of "separation" arising from the then rise of Christianity in Europe (more than a thousand years ago) and corresponding suppressions and "supposed endings" of the Celtic practice
Please attend as per your inner guidance.
[The original session was postponed from 13 February 2022.]
Time: 6 March 2022 (Sunday) - 3.30pm to 6.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the workshop.
Energy exchange: $300

Workshop - "The Pleiadian & Sirian High Councils
This workshop will be co-hosted by representatives of the Pleiadian and Sirian High Council. The Pleiadians and Sirians are among the two Star Nations that are the most heavily involved in the grand project to help Earth and its inhabitants climb back to 5-D consciousness and vibration level. This project which was launched around a hundred thousand years ago also involved the contribution of certain aspects of their DNA to be incorporated into an enhanced DNA of the human race.
As we edge closer to the half-way mark (i.e. 2023) of the 21-year cycle for Earth to fully anchor the 5-D energies, it is most apt that our Pleiadian and Sirian allies have chosen to host this session to show their love and support for us in our journey towards 5-D consciousness and vibration.
This session is particularly useful for those who:
a. Are star seeds;
b. Had past lives in Pleiades and/or Sirius; and/or
c. Wish to connect or re-connect to Pleiades and/or Sirius.
Please attend as per your inner guidance.
[This session was postponed from 27 February 2022]
Time: 20 March 2022 (Sunday) - 3.30pm to 6.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the workshop.
Energy exchange: $310

Workshop - "Solar Angel"
This workshop aims to connect participants with their own Solar Angels. Unlike a Guardian Angel who is only with the soul for a particular lifetime, the Solar Angel guards and follows the soul for all his/her lifetimes. In short, the Solar Angel is fully cognisant of all that happened to the soul since he/she began his/her first reincarnation.
Please attend as per your inner guidance.
Time: 27 March 2022 (Sunday) - 3.30pm to 6.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the workshop.
Energy exchange: $310