Workshops, Meditation Sessions & Other Events
For those who have been reading the monthly schedule, they will be aware that the barrier/"veil" that separates this part of the Earth plane of existence and the Spirit Realm will thin significantly for two specific periods every year. The first one occurred on 4 - 20 April 2021. The second (and longer) one will start on 8 August 2021, and end on 6 September 2021. During these periods, the barrier/veil is weakened to the degree that souls are able to travel from the Spirit Realm to this Earth plane of existence. Energies from the Spirt Realm will also flow into this Earth plane of existence, thereby lowering the overall vibration of the environment here.
Due to the month-long lowering of the barrier/veil between the Earth plane and Spirit Realm, and corresponding influx of energies and souls from the Spirit Realm, the lunar 7th month is typically the period with the lowest vibration for the entire year. In fact, the vibration level will continue going lower with each passing week of the lunar 7th month before hitting a trough in the last week. The lunar 7th month also tends to be the period with the daily biggest swing in overall vibrational level of one's surroundings. For this lunar 7th month, a plunge in the overall vibrational level of one's surroundings - within a 24-hour time period - could range from 200% to at least 600%.
The sustained drop in vibration over the days and weeks, as well as sudden vibrational plunges within the day during the lunar 7th month could trigger unpleasant physical, emotional &/or mental experiences (most of which are the result of pastlife or karmic energies). Examples of such experiences could include dizziness/vertigo, breathlessness, heart palpitation, panic attacks, inexplicable aches and pains (including the back, knee and various joints), rash, inflammation, lethargy, heaviness, exhaustion (physical/mental/emotional), frequent surfacing of negative thoughts/emotions (including suicidal thoughts, feelings of giving up, frustration, irritation, anger, sadness and depression), and inexplicable emotional outbursts. ​For those individuals who are ultra-sensitive to energies or clairvoyant, they could experience encounters with members of the Spirit Realm.
The effects of the lunar 7th month could be experienced at least two weeks prior to and after this event, or even more, for those who are sensitive to energies.
The best advice that anyone can adopt during this period is to stay calm and stay detached. Those physical discomforts, negative thoughts/emotions and emotional outbursts that may be experienced during this period are NOT you. They NEITHER represent NOR define you. They are merely manifestation of energies of the past that are surfacing to be cleared.
Forgive yourself, your loved ones, friends, colleagues and others who are also likely to be experiencing the effects of the lunar 7th month. Everyone is in this together, even though most may not be aware of it.
Be patient with yourself and others, especially during this period. Be kind to your physical, emotional and mental bodies by resting more, and resting well.
Whatever unpleasant experiences that you may undergo during this lunar 7th month will pass, so long as you do not focus on them. Instead, you should focus your attention on being grateful for whatever is right in your life, and whatever that gives you joy and laughter. If you so wish, focus your energies and attention by sharing your love and light around you. Perform acts of charity and kindness on others, including strangers. Tell a joke and make others laugh.
You have gone through previous periods of such occurrences. It is an annual occurrence. It will pass.
These occurrences are also opportunities for us to purify and transform ourselves, and grow. Make peace with the past, and heal. Reflect and act on the lessons underlying the episodes which are experienced during the period.
The Divinities and Guides are always ready to help us, so long as we do not give up on ourselves and are prepared to ask them for help. The following sessions to be held in August and September 2021 are part of the overall effort of the Divinities and our Guides in supporting us during this period.

Workshop - "Goddess Kali"
This workshop aims to connect participants with the Hindu Divinity, Goddess Kali who is associated with the energies of transformation, rebirth and spiritual growth. She is sometimes depicted to be holding or wearing human skulls, which symbolise the destruction of the ego. Goddess Kali also works closely with Archangel Michael as defenders of the Highest Light.
For this particular session, Goddess Kali will be helping participants to:
a. Become more aware of the workings of their ego; and
b. Eventually dissolve their ego.
Time: 31 July 2021 (Saturday) - 3pm to 5.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the workshop.
Energy exchange: $260

Group Meditation - Hosted by Archangel Uriel
This group meditation session will be hosted by the Archangel Uriel who oversees planet Earth and is thereby linked to energies of grounding and centredness. Archangel Uriel also holds God's Fire which is associated with energies of peace and clarity..
Please attend as per your inner guidance.
Time: 3 August 2021 (Tuesday) - 3pm to 4.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the meditation session. [This session was postponed from July 2021.]
Energy exchange: $80

Workshop - "Lord Ganesha"
This workshop aims to connect participants with the Hindu Divinity, Lord Ganesha who is known as the Protector of sacred spaces. He is also associated with the energies of breakthroughs.
For this session, Lord Ganesha will be focusing on his role as protector of sacred space to support us in our preparation for the arrival of the lunar 7th month - which will start the next day after this session.
Time: 7 August 2021 (Saturday) - 3pm to 5.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 2 days before the workshop.
Energy exchange: $260

Workshop - "Goddess Isis"
This workshop aims to connect participants with Egyptian Goddess Isis who is strongly associated with the energies of healing, magic, perseverance, faith and motherhood.
Please attend as per your inner guidance. The participants for this workshop must abstain from consuming meat (including seafood) for 3 days before the session and on the day of the session (i.e. 12 August to 15 August 2021), so as to facilitate the purification process. (It is alright to consume honey, eggs &/or milk.) There is no need to fast as part of the preparation for the session, unless one is strongly guided to do so.
Time: 15 August 2021 (Sunday) - 2.30pm to 5pm ​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 2 days before the meditation session.
Energy exchange: $280

Workshop - The Archangels
This group meditation session will be hosted by Archangel Azrael and supported by several of his fellow Archangels, including Archangel Michael, Raphael and Gabriel to help us cope with the energies of the lunar 7th month.
Despite his intimidating title as the "Angel of Death", Archangel Azrael is actually one of the most beautiful and loving Divinities that one can connect with. His portfolio includes bringing inner peace to those individuals who will be departing to the Spirit Realm, as well as escorting souls from this Earth plane of existence to the Spirit Realm. He is thus also linked with energies of endings and beginning, and transitions.
Archangel Michael is associated with the energies of strength and courage, and helps in space clearing, dissolving of attachments, and removal of negative energies. Archangel Gabriel is closely associated with the energies of clarity, illumination, Highest Truth, communication, and balance, while Archangel Raphael is closely associated with the energies of healing.
Please attend as per your inner guidance. As the energies will be intense, please wear or hold a grounding crystal during the session.
Time: 21 August (Saturday) - 2.30pm to 5pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 2 days before the meditation session.
Energy exchange: $310

Workshop - "Source"
This workshop aims to connect participants with Source who is also known as "God", the "Creator" and for certain races "Primordial Creator".
Please attend as per your inner guidance. As the energies will be intense, please wear or bring along a grounding crystal for the session.
Time: 29 August 2021 (Sunday) - 2.30pm to 5pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 2 days before the workshop.
Energy exchange: $300

Workshop - "Goddess Kwanyin"
This workshop aims to connect participants with Goddess Kwanyin who is associated with the energies of compassion, inner peace, and wisdom. She also holds the violet flame which transmutes all negativities.
Please attend as per your inner guidance.
Time: 5 September 2021 (Sunday) - 2.30pm to 5pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 2 days before the workshop.
Energy exchange: $280