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Workshops, Meditation Sessions & Other Events

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Workshop - "Mother Mary"

This workshop aims to connect participants with Mother Mary who is associated with the energies of compassion, unconditional love, empathy, forgiveness, and inner peace 


This session will be especially useful to individuals who feel:

a. That they have been on a mental/emotional roller coaster for the past several months; and/or

b. Particularly overwhelmed by the challenges arising from, or thrown off-balance by the energies of this Mercury Retrograde period. (Mercury Retrograde commenced on 26 September 2021 and will end on 18 October 2021, albeit its effects can continue to be felt about 2 weeks after this period. During this period, one may experience an increase in the frequency and intensity of miscommunication, misunderstandings and conflicts. One could also experience delays related to responses and travel. Feelings of lethargy and heaviness may also be experienced more frequently during this period.)



Time: 3 October 2021 (Sunday) - 3pm to 5.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 1 day before the workshop.

Energy exchange: $250



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Group Meditation - Hosted by Archangel Gabriel

This group meditation session will be hosted by the Archangel Gabriel who is closely associated with the energies of clarity, illumination, Highest Truth, communication, prophesy, balance, and healing of emotional trauma


Please attend as per your inner guidance, especially if you feel that you are adversely affected by the energies of this Mercury Retrograde period.



Time: 5 October 2021 (Tuesday) - 3pm to 4.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the

Energy exchange: $90




Workshop - "Energies of the Lands"

This workshop will be overseen by Archangel Uriel, the Hawaiian Goddess (of volcanoes), Pele, and the Japanese Goddess of Mount Fuji, Kono Hana Sakura Hime. For this session, one can expect the presence/ appearance of the "residents" of the lands of this planet, including fairies, elves, dwarfs, forest folks, power animals, elementals, unicorns, as well as some of the Guardians of the Lands.


This session is particularly meant for individuals who intend to:

a. Enhance their connections to Mother Earth; and/or

b. Connect or strengthen their connections to some of the "residents" of the Lands; and/or

c. Deepen their grounding abilities.



Time: 10 October 2021 (Sunday) - 3pm to 5.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the workshop.

Energy exchange: $280




Group Meditation - Hosted by Archangel Raphael

This group meditation session will be hosted by Archangel Raphael who is known as the "Angel of Resurrection" and is also frequently associated with healing energies. 


Please attend as per your inner guidance, especially if you feel that you need additional healing & support, in light of the energies of this Mercury Retrograde period.



Time: 13 October 2021 (Wednesday) - 3pm to 4.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the session. 

Energy exchange: $90



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Workshop - "White Dragon"

This workshop aims to connect participants with the White Dragon who works closely with Archangel Michael, and is associated with the energies of Highest Truth. It is here to support us during this Mercury Retrograde period by further aligning us with the Highest Truth, so that we will be less affected by the veils, shrouds and illusions around us, which are being amplified by the Mercury Retrograde energies. This will, in turn, mitigate the intensity and frequency of mental/emotional upheavals that some of us have been experiencing. 


This session is also intended to support individuals with deep spiritual lessons on detachment, by propelling them to live their words, thoughts, actions and behaviours in accordance with the Highest Truth, rather than based on expectation of others.


Please attend as per your inner guidance.



Time: 16 October 2021 (Saturday) - 3pm to 5.30pm ​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the session.

Energy exchange: $280



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Group Meditation - Hosted by Archangel Michael

This group meditation session will be hosted by Archangel Michael who is associated with the energies of strength and courage, as well as being one of the defenders of the Highest Light and Highest Truth. He also helps in space clearing, dissolving of attachments, and removal of negative energies.


Please attend as per your inner guidance, especially if you feel the need for additional support, or a boost to your strength & courage in walking forward in your path.



Time: 19 October 2021 (Tuesday) - 3pm to 4.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the session. 

Energy exchange: $90



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Workshop - "Rainbow Serpent"

This workshop aims to connect participants with the Rainbow Serpent which is associated with the lay lines, light matrices and other energies of the lands of this planet.


For this particular session, the Rainbow Serpent will be further deepening the grounding efforts of individuals (especially if they had attended the previous workshop "Energies of the Lands), as well as working on the energetic pathways of their bodies, including awakening/strengthening the flow of kundalini within them.



Time: 31 October 2021 (Sunday) - 3pm to 5.30pm ​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the session.

Energy exchange: $260



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