Workshops, Meditation Sessions & Other Events
Workshop - "Spiritual Laws Level 1"
This workshop which will be overseen by the Egyptian Divinity, Thoth aims to equip participants with the knowledge of spiritual laws that govern this reality.
The knowledge shared in this session will be useful in guiding the perspectives, actions and behaviours of those who are on the spiritual path, especially beginners, so that they can:
a. Better "navigate" their spiritual journey, and minimise "detours"; and
b. Expedite their progress in mastering their key spiritual lessons.
As this workshop will be "information-intensive", participants are recommended to bring writing materials (electronic or otherwise) with them for the session, so that they can jot down points that they deem to be useful.
Time: 5 December 2021 (Sunday) - 3pm to 6pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the workshop.
Energy exchange: $310
Workshop - "Thoth"
This workshop aims to connect participants with the Egyptian Divinity, Thoth who is also known as the Priest-King of Atlantis. For this particular session and as part of the preparations for 2022, he will be helping participants to align and merge with the Highest Light.
As part of the purification process, attendees for this session are required to refrain from consumption of meat and alcohol for 3 days prior to the workshop and on the day of the workshop. (It is alright to consume onion, garlic, eggs and milk during this period.) Attendees are also advised to have a grounding crystal with them during the session, as the energies will be intense.
This workshop is not for everyone. Please check with me first that you are ready to attend the session.
Time: 12 December 2021 (Sunday) - 3pm to 5.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the session.
Energy exchange: $330
Workshop - "2022"
This workshop which is the last one for 2021 will be co-hosted by Archangel Metatron, Thoth, Lord Jesus, Lord Buddha and Archangel Gabriel.
The session is intended to prepare participants for the energies of 2022 so that they can:
a. Overcome their challenges in the forthcoming year, with ease and grace; and
b. Ride on the energetic trends of the forthcoming year to achieve exponential growth, breakthroughs, progress in mastering their key spiritual lessons, and rise in consciousness and vibration.
Participants are advised to have a grounding crystal with them during the session, as the energies will be intense. Please attend as per your inner guidance.
Time: 19 December 2021 (Sunday) - 3.30pm to 6.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the workshop.
Energy exchange: $330