
Workshop - "Phoenix"
This workshop aims to connect participants with the Phoenix which is associated with the energies of death & rebirth, as well as God's Truth.
For this session, the Phoenix will be helping us to accelerate this new (deeper) cycle of inner transformation, so that we can ride the energies of 2022 and go through our spiritual tests/lessons, with as much ease & grace (as appropriate).
Time: 9 January 2022 (Sunday) - 3.30pm to 6.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the workshop.
Energy exchange: $300

Workshop - "Lord Ganesha"
This workshop aims to connect participants with Lord Ganesha who is associated with the energies of breakthroughs. He is also known as the protector of sacred space.
The Mercury Retrograde will start on 14 January 2022 & end on 3 February 2022. During a Mercury Retrograde period, there could be delays, breakdowns or other issues in communication, collaboration, travel and/or transport. The probability & frequency of misunderstandings and conflicts are also higher during this period. This Mercury Retrograde will, however, be more intense than usual, as it is amplified by the energies of 2022. Moreover, it overlaps with the existing Venus Retrograde period (of 19 December 2021 to 29 January 2022) which could trigger issues in relationships (involving e.g. loved ones/family, friends, workplace, business etc), value systems, habits/lifestyle, &/or financial situations, as well as energies of lack, (and their subsequent reviews).
For this particular session, Lord Ganesha will be helping us to achieve breakthroughs in our inner alchemy work, be it on Oneness, faith, courage, balance, flexibility &/or going with the flow etc, so that we can navigate the Mercury & Venus Retrograde periods (and their aftermath), with as much ease & grace as possible. Please attend as per your inner guidance.
Time: 16 January 2022 (Sunday) - 3.45pm to 6.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the session.
Energy exchange: $300

Workshop - "The 3 Sisters"
This workshop will be co-hosted by Mother Mary, Goddess Kwanyin & Goddess Isis, who together are also known as the "Three Sisters".
The session aims to provide healing & rejuvenation to participants, and bring them back into peace & centeredness - amidst the Mercury & Venus Retrogrades. [While the Venus Retrograde period will 'officially' end on 29 January 2022, its energies will continue to be felt till at least two weeks later i.e. 11 February 2022.]
Please attend as per your inner guidance.
Time: 29 January 2021 (Saturday) - 4pm to 6.30pm.​
Registration: Please contact me to register at least 3 days before the workshop.
Energy exchange: $310